Brangus Beef ?

The feeling of friendship is like that of being comfortably filled with roast beef; love, like being enlivened with champagne.  ~ Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), English author When I first moved to the country, this hay barn’s lettering mystified me.  That is, until I looked up “brangus.”  As it turns out, a Brangus is a breed of…

An emotional banana

“My baby is freckled and sweet, just like a perfect banana.” From my never published country song of the same name. I just found out that you can draw with a sharp object on a banana skin, and a few minutes later, it shows up in stark relief.  I can’t wait to show my kids.

Home cooking makes a house a home

“A house is a home when it shelters the body and comforts the soul.” ~ Phillip Moffitt, Buddhist Teacher from Spirit Rock Church One of the things I love about being married, and my wife in particular, is that the house is often filled with the yummy smells of home cooking.  Whether it’s home made…

My caffeine addiction

Coffee, the finest organic suspension ever devised.  ~Star Trek: Voyager I admit it – I love my morning coffee.  I’ve quit caffeine before, but I always go back.  Why?  Not enough sleep, the love of the creamy sugary boost, the smell, the taste. This cup is what I have in my car every morning.  So…


“Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity.”  ~Voltaire Snacks break up an otherwise tedious day.  I should have eaten a banana, but for some reason, was craving cream-filled cookies.  Yum.

A Respite at Starbucks

“Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest” ~ Ashleigh Brilliant Ever want to just get everyone out of the house?  Here in the small central valley town I live in, there aren’t many choices nearby – it’s either the grocery store, a fast food joint, Denny’s, or Starbucks. …

The 365 Photo Challenge

“I didn’t need to see that.” ~ Squidward My friend Larry has challenged me to take the 365 Photo Challenge – take one photo a day and blog it.  That’s it.  Self-indulgent?  You bet.  Fun?  Probably.  Here’s a photo for ya.  My New Year’s birthday cake, with my favorite SpongeBob character on it.  Now leave…